Peiyi Woo

Lesson plan developer and Docutribe blogger

Peiyi Woo has ten years of experience in the social services field in Singapore. She spent three years as assistant director at the National Council of Social Service during which she piloted two projects which were implemented nationwide. One of the pilot projects, The Scaffold Program, uses evidence-based approaches to reduce the number of school drop outs. This program received over $1million in funding and was implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. Peiyi was also field supervisor at the National University of Singapore and was a trainer at the Social Service Institute in Singapore from 2011-2014. She has also worked as senior social worker, helping children and youths in court diversionary programs and welfare institutions, and was part of the pioneering team involved in setting up the first social service continuing center in Singapore. 

Peiyi has volunteered in Nepal, China, and the United States, working with women and homeless people suffering from mental illnesses. She currently works as a counselor at Restore NYC, working with women who have been trafficked into New York City and also as a Teaching Assistant at Columbia University. 

In her free time, she is an avid swing dancer, an aspiring artist, a national parks lover, a backpacker, and a dedicated, reliable and supportive friend.